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Boost Users :

From: Klaus Backert (Klaus.Backert_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-15 20:49:41

Am 16.07.2007 um 00:31 schrieb Roger Leigh:

> frederic.bron_at_[hidden] writes:
>> Just add the following on the bjam command line: --layout=system
> While this solves the library naming issue on the developer's system,
> it does not address the problem of someone else compiling the code on
> their system. In this case the user's self-compiled or
> distributor-provided version will most likely not have used this
> option, and the developer will have no prior knowledge of the
> toolchain in use (as I described in my earlier post).
> This is a very important use-case which desperately needs a reliable
> solution, such as pkg-config support. Otherwise, free
> software/open-source software has a terrible time trying to link to
> Boost libraries.

Well, before I built boost with bjam for the first time - about three
weeks ago -, I found this by calling bjam --help from the command line:

--layout=<layout> Determines what kind of build layout to use.
                             allows one to control the naming of the
                             libraries, and the locations of the
                             files. Default is 'versioned'. Possible

                                 versioned - Uses the Boost standard
                                 which include version number for
Boost the
                                 release and version and name of the
                                 compiler as part of the library
names. Also
                                 installs the includes to a versioned

                                 system - Builds an install without the
                                 Boost standard names, and does not
                                 includes to a versioned sub-
directory. This
                                 is intended for system integrators
to build
                                 for packaging of distributions.

That's all ok for me - a software developer.

But: I don't know how many users can handle this, and ... errm ... I
don't know if it's in the documentation anywhere.

By the way: great stuff, these boost libraries.


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