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From: Eric Woodruff (eric.woodruff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-02-23 20:13:56


I hope John Maddock is reading this as he had some knowledge of the
Intel compiler problem. Similar to the thread quoted below, I am getting
the "Windows cannot open this file" dialog when trying to build boost
using VC8 as 64-bit. (Doesn't have /this/ problem when I don't set
address-model=64 or use the VC7.1 x86 compiler for 32-bit builds.) This
is with boost-jam-3.1.16-1-ntx86.

I've tried adding the full path to cl.exe in user-config.jam without
success. For historical reasons, I am using an nmake Makefile (under a
Cygwin environment) to fit the boost build into an existing build
system. It essentially operates as follows:

tar jxf boost_1_34_1.tar.bz2

echo using msvc : 8.0 : "C:/WINDDK/3790.1830/bin/win64/x86/amd64/cl.exe" ; > boost_1_34_1\tools\build\v2\user-config.jam

echo using stlport : 5.1.5 : c:\cygwin\home\ewoodruff\build\trunk\winnt\amd64\x64-WINNT\TOOLS\usr\include\stlport c:\cygwin\home\ewoodruff\build\trunk\winnt\amd64\x64-WINNT\TOOLS\usr\lib ; >> boost_1_34_1\tools\build\v2\user-config.jam

sed -ie 's,\\\\,/,g' boost_1_34_1\tools\build\v2\user-config.jam

cd boost_1_34_1 && "c:\cygwin\home\ewoodruff\build\trunk\winnt\amd64\boost\boost-jam-3.1.16-1-ntx86\bjam.exe" "-q" "--toolset=msvc-8.0" "--prefix=c:\cygwin\home\ewoodruff\build\trunk\winnt\amd64\x64-WINNT\TOOLS" "runtime-link=shared" "link=static" "threading=multi" "stdlib=stlport-5.1.5" "address-model=64" "--without-python" "--without-wave" stage install

Once the first directory leaf is created is when the .rcp file tries to
get run. Here's the content of that file:

$ cat bin.v2/libs/serialization/build/msvc-8.0/debug/address-model-64/link-static/stdlib-stlport-5.1.5/stdlib-stlport-5.1.5/threading-multi/basic_archive.obj.rsp

"libs\serialization\src\basic_archive.cpp" -Fo"bin.v2\libs\serialization\build\msvc-8.0\debug\address-model-64\link-static\stdlib-stlport-5.1.5\stdlib-stlport-5.1.5\threading-multi\basic_archive.obj" -TP /Z7 /Od /Ob0 /W3 /GR /MDd /Zc:forScope /Zc:wchar_t /favor:blend /wd4675 /EHs /Gy -c







I'm also curious, is stdlib-stlport-5.1.5 supposed to be in the path twice?

Thanks in advance,

> *Subject:* [Boost-users] Building boost 1.34.1
> *From:* James Emerton
> *Date:* 2007-08-31 18:08:46
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I'm having difficulties building boost 1.34.1 using the intel
> toolchain. Once bjam tries to invoke the compiler, I get the "Windows
> cannot open this file" dialog, where the file is an .obj.rsp file.
> It would appear that perhaps the compiler itself is not making it into
> the command line, thus causing the system to try executing the .rsp
> file directly. I am not having this problem if I use the msvc
> toolchain.
> Command to invoke the build:
> bjam --toolset=intel-9.1
> Compiler:
> Intel(R) C++ Compiler for 32-bit applications, Version 9.1
> Build 20060519Z
> bjam:
> Boost.Jam Version 3.1.14. OS=NT.
> Some environment variables:
> ICPP_COMPILER91=C:\Program Files\Intel\Compiler\C++\9.1
> INTEL_LICENSE_FILE=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\Licenses
> INTEL_PATH=C:\Program Files\Intel\Compiler\C++\9.1\Ia32
> INTEL_SHARED=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\Shared Files
> I've run the iclvars batch script, icl.exe is on the path, and I've
> used this environment to build boost 1.33 successfully. I've tried
> various debug levels of bjam, and I haven't seen anything that makes a
> problem obvious to me.
> Thanks
> James
> _______________________________________________
> Boost-users mailing list
> Boost-<email removed>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* John Maddock
> *Date:* 2007-08-31 19:17:38
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> James Emerton wrote:
> /> I'm having difficulties building boost 1.34.1 using the intel/
> /> toolchain. Once bjam tries to invoke the compiler, I get the "Windows/
> /> cannot open this file" dialog, where the file is an .obj.rsp file./
> />/
> /> It would appear that perhaps the compiler itself is not making it into/
> /> the command line, thus causing the system to try executing the .rsp/
> /> file directly. I am not having this problem if I use the msvc/
> /> toolchain./
> Yep, it's bug report already:
> It does work if you add an entry for intel to a user-config.jam in your HOME
> directory, mine looks like:
> using intel-win : 9.1 : "c:/program
> files/intel/compiler/c++/9.1/ia32/bin/icl.exe" ;
> using intel-win : 10.0 : "c:/program
> files/intel/compiler/c++/10.0.025/ia32/bin/icl.exe" ;
> using intel-win : 8.1 : "c:/program
> files/intel/cpp/compiler80/ia32/bin/icl.exe" ;
> #using intel-win : 7 : "c:/program
> files/intel/cpp/compiler70/ia32/bin/icl.exe" ;
> #using intel-win : 6 : "c:/program
> files/intel/cpp/compiler60/ia32/bin/icl.exe" ;
> See the Boost.Build docs for more info on setting this up. And of course in
> most cases you can always build the source from your IDE should you prefer
> :-)
> HTH, John.
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> Boost-users mailing list
> Boost-<email removed>

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