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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Building boost_1.34.1 on mac os X 10.5 64 bit.
From: Alexander Sack (pisymbol_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-10-27 20:44:06

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Alain Leblanc <aalebl_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I'm trying to build boost 1.34.1 on mac os X 64-bit. In a previous
> thread someone(Vladimir Prus) gave the following suggestion:
> ==========================================
> You need to pass
> architecture=x86 address-model=64
> in addition to the above to bjam, or you may pass
> architecture=combined address-model=64
> ==========================================
> and it looks like it was fine with boost 1.36. However when I try with
> boost 1.34.1 I get the following message:
> libs/test/src/execution_monitor.cpp:1: error: CPU you selected does
> not support x86-64 instruction set
> If I remove the achitecture=x86 option then it compiles, but the
> resulting libraries are not 64-bit, base on the output from file
> libbooost-XXX.dylib.
> Is there anything in the 1.34.1 version preventing me from compiling
> in 64-bit mode?
> I'm using gcc 4.0.1.

Hmmmph. This worked for me. Are you using combined or 64-bit?

Also has ports already to go for your Mac incase that will help.


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