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Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Boost thread conflicts with MFC
From: Andreas Masur (amasur_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-04-11 13:11:18

On Apr 11, 2009, at 12:49 AM, Raindog wrote:

> [...]
> What I don't understand is why nearly every C++ GUI framework out
> there tries to be the next C++ standard in that they all provide
> strings, containers, network classes, xml parsers, etc. If you
> already have a code base, you have to write simple wrappers around
> everything just so you can communicate with the GUI library.

I agree 100%....this seems to be an (unfortunate) trend with many
libraries (not only in regards to GUI development either). Sometimes I
look at the facilities of a certain library and you can literally see
the questions marks on my face once I hit things that barely have to
do with the original target of the library.

> SmartWin++ looked like it definitely had the right philosophy but
> sadly, it appears to be abandoned in favor of some ajax project by
> the authors. Cppgui looks promising too but it is pretty new and
> incomplete

Thay may actually be a result of not being considered for real
projects. I certainly cannot speak for the owners of SmartWin++
however, one really wonders if acceptance of a library grows once it
adds more and more (hardly related or unrelated) stuff to it. Or
whether it is more like a *ego* thing in building the ultimate one and
only library.

Certainly I don't imply any offense to any library creator/developer/ just some things I try to understand....

Ciao, Andreas

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