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Ublas : |
From: Gunter Winkler (guwi17_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-03-15 07:46:50
On Tuesday 15 March 2005 12:44, Andreas Klöckner wrote:
> I also have more UBlas codes that I'd be willing to submit:
> - bindings to ARPACK (a sparse eigensolver)
Does anyone has bindings for SuperLU ?
> - implementations of preconditioned CG and BiCGSTAB
I'am very interested. Currently I use ITL together with uBLAS.
> - an implementation of Cholesky decomposition
and incomplete Cholesky (for use as preconditioner)?
I don't think these routines should be part of (core-)uBLAS but should be
publicly available. Maybe we start a 'contrib/' directory to collect all
these routines?