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From: Darren Garvey (lists.drrngrvy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-18 14:33:34

Hi Phil,

On 17/08/07, Phil Endecott < spam_from_boost_dev_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I'd like to look at the tutorial or quickstart sections, but the links
> from the introduction page don't work (as expected), and they're not
> listed in the TOC. Can you post a link?

I've restructured the docs a bit. Now the tutorial is linked from the first

>From what I can see so far -
> - You've chosen some too-short identifiers; abbreviating "request" to
> "req" is fine, but abbreviating "sync" to "s" is not. So I'd vote for
> "sync_req", rather than "srequest".

I based that on things like xpressive::sregex (static regex). I agree it's
not particularly clear though and it's probably a good idea to remove the
difference and just follow the conventions described here:

- The documentation is all very "in at the deep end", starting by
> describing the differences between the different protocols that you've
> implemented. It would be better to describe the common aspects, i.e.
> how to access form or other data. As far as I can see you don't ever
> describe this, always just commenting "use the request here", or
> something like that.

Hopefully it's a bit clearer now, with the quickstart put up. Two main
sections which still need to be uploaded - on `cgi::reply` and
`basic_protocol_service<>`s - will have to wait as this computer can't do
what I need. Still, it should be relatively guessable how to write a basic
CGI program (but I could be mistaken).

- Err, actually maybe you do describe the functions for accessing the
> form data, in the "request meta-data" section at the end of
> . But why is this _meta_
> data, not just "data"?

That's because form/environment data are 'meta-variables', according to the
CGI specification. Perhaps it's a bit liberal/confusing to swap 'variables'
for 'data', since this is C++ after all? I've tried to clear this up, so as
to not be misleading.

I will have another look when some more tutorial material is available.

Thanks again for the interest. Sorry the internal links are still broken!


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