Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [winrt support] Adding support for Windows 8 store/phone to Boost libraries
From: Niall Douglas (s_sourceforge_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-07-22 06:22:41
On 21 Jul 2014 at 22:52, Edward Diener wrote:
> > Steve's pull request for Boost.Thread is being held back by me until
> > the 1.57 release as I currently don't have the CI facilities to
> > verify for myself it works to my satisfaction.
> Boost could really do with the idea that we should be able to run and
> publish a regression test for some library that is not either the
> 'develop' or 'master' branch. That way someone with facilities to test a
> change could publish regression tests based on that change for others,
> like yourself in this case, who may want to accept a pull request but
> naturally needs to know that it tests OK before doing so. While pull
> requests are a good idea, having to blindly accept one at any time
> without verifying it for oneself is not as I am sure everyone knows. So
> I fully understand your problem, but we need a more generalized solution
> to it.
Both Jenkins and Travis are very easily configured to automatically
test pull requests and report back onto Github whether they are good
or not.
> Maybe someone on the Boost Build/Regression Tests side of things would
> know how to setup and publish a regression test for a single library off
> of some non-'develop' and non-'master' branch so that the test results
> are accessible to others.
Jenkins also publishes Boost.Build results just fine. Jenkins has a
RESTful API which lets some central server interrogate it for results
for some set of projects. As does Travis, incidentally.
You probably see where I'm going with this.
> > Hell, I don't even
> > have AFIO being CI tested right now, modularisation foobared
> > everything, but the CI orchestration work being done for AFIO will be
> > reusable for Boost.Thread. And my Windows CI is now Win8.1 instead of
> > XP, so now I can bring VS2012 and VS2013 into the soak test runs.
> I am not even on Win 8 yet, but luckily the latest Visual Studio
> releases still run under Windows 7. But of course I can't test new
> Windows 8 features as they relate to Boost until I install Win 8 ( or
> Win 8.1 ).
I *believe* that the WinRT SDK needs Win8 minimum. It certainly did
when I worked at BlackBerry, I got to spend a week at home using my
own computer because BlackBerry didn't have a single Windows 8
machine to hand at that time :)
-- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/
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