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From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-22 02:50:11

Darren Cook wrote:

>>>You might consider adding a switch to the gcc compiler switches used.
>>>This is what I did to make it pass the tests without complaint. Offhand
>>>I've forgotten the exact switch but I think you'll find it in
>>>in libs/serialization/build
>> -Wno-non-virtual-dtor. But then one loses that warning when it actually
>> matters.
> Does GCC support a way to switch warnings on and off from within the
> code? IIRC Visual C++ has something like that. If so the serialization
> headers could just suppress that warning.

No, it's not possible. There were some motion to add warning control
pragmas, but I don't think anything was done yet.

>> Well, what's a beta period for, if not to shake out things that one
>> really doesn't want to release and live with for a while. I guess
>> this is really a request to the release manager to consider allowing
>> this change to be made for 1.33.1. Rationale: common warning settings
>> on very popular tool chain will generate potentially huge numbers of
>> spurious warnings for users of the serialization library without this
> I agree (I use serialization, gcc, and -Wall). If the previous release
> didn't complain then it should be treated as a regression.

Yes, -Wall is a pretty common setup.

- Volodya

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