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Subject: Re: [boost] [ELFIO] - New library proposal
From: Serge Lamikhov-Center (to_serge_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-05-15 10:56:23

>> On 8 May 2015, at 19:20, Antony Polukhin <antoshkka_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> ELFIO library is good. But I'd love to see this library extended to support
>> PE and MACH-O formats before Boost review. Without that library scope seems
>> limited.

> Absolutely agree -and I'd suggest it's not too tricky once a suitable abstraction is established. Looking at the interface between libdwarf & libelf might be a good starting point - I found adding a PE loader to libdwarf using a translation of its interface to libelf was quite simple, as it wasn't Elf-specific.
> Stuart Dootson

> Personally speaking, I'd be very interested in a library which
> provided a generic binary format parsing (and optionally generating)
> solution, one backend of which might be ELF. A purely ELF specific,
> non-generic library is perfectly useful, but for me personally
> probably not a great fit for the Boost libraries without having a
> highly generic and abstract API in front of it so code written
> against it need not know much about ELF.

> Niall

Thank you for your feedback. I will try to come up with a generic API suitable for all ELF, PE, COFF, and MACH-O formats. After it is ready, I'll bring it to review again.

Any contribution from the Boost community is welcomed.
Is it a requirement that the new interface will be similar to one used in Antony's Boost.Dll?

Thank you,

P.S. If you know a location, would you please send me link on MACH-O object and executable files examples.


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