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Boost :

From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-19 17:26:41

On 7/19/24 3:18 AM, John Maddock via Boost wrote:
>> Alternatively the community may decide the status quo is sufficient. I
>> disagree with this assessment, and I believe Robert Ramey's proposal for
>> the website review is applicable here. A review manager should volunteer
>> and schedule a review to evaluate the submission of the logo, trademark,
>> and its accompanying usage policy. I expect that if the work is not
>> rejected, it would be conditional acceptance based on finalizing the
>> usage
>> policy. And there's no need to wait for the review to start revising the
>> policy, that can happen right away by responding to this issue:
>> May I get an endorsement for reviewing the new logo submission?
> If we're doing a review then for efficiencies sake, we should review
> website and logo as one (but with the understanding that it's not an
> "all or nothing" decision).
> If no one else steps up, then as someone who's not paid by Vinnie (or
> anyone else) to work on Boost, I would volunteer for that.

Amazing. You always step up for a critical task regardless of how
unsexy it is. I nominate you for the "Boost/C++ hall of heroes" along
with David Abrahams and Beman Dawes.

Robert Ramey

> Best, John.
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