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From: Glen Fernandes (glen.fernandes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-06 18:13:02

On Fri, Sep 6, 2024 at 11:04 AM Christian Mazakas wrote:
> Hi, I'm a little confused at what the Boost Foundation put forth.
> But TBF's proposal seems entirely to be governance-related.
> In terms of asset stewardship, it's kind of a no-brainer to choose the
> organization that _didn't_ almost lose the domain name. Plus, the
> Alliance has Sam Darwin and he's infallible.

Christian, thanks for the review.

If there are any questions you think Kristen could answer to address
that confusion, this is the best time to ask.

I have a list of questions that people have asked privately about the and domain names as well as the history of the new
website, that I will post to the list tomorrow.

> We need to revitalize Boost with the youth culture and to the youth, these
> things matter quite a bit.

CMake support is something we know users (of all ages, not just the
youth) ask for, because we see the requests on the list, or on Slack,
or other forums (r/cpp etc). Do you still see any organizational
opposition to it? e.g. A number of Boost developers are in favor of
it; Peter's efforts have brought us closer to having it become a first
class citizen.

I'm wary about importing concerns onto groups of people that haven't
expressed them. If anyone knows any youth of today that want to opine,
I can make it easier for them to contribute to this discussion on the


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