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From: Christian Mazakas (christian.mazakas_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-09 15:08:52

I'd like to first begin by apologizing for being overly harsh and insulting
to Andrey. I was angered deeply by what I perceived as him rejecting
contributors for invalid reasons and unnecessarily gatekeeping. I'm deeply
passionate about Boost and creating a thriving community of volunteers.
Sometimes it gets the best of me in ways that reflect negatively on me and
I own and acknowledge that.

For what it's worth, something like the discussion policy that's being
linked is exactly what I had in mind.

I realize now that I did an incredibly poor job in communicating my
intentions. My intentions are not to create a document used to persecute
and start witch hunts.

We're Boost, we can make whatever code we want and enforce it however we

What I'm proposing is a simple vote to change the existing "policy" to
"Code of Conduct" simply so we can check a box.

It sounds trite and inane but, to me, it's a valuable rebranding that
requires little to no actual effort on our part. We live in an era where
people wanna see something called "Code of Conduct".

It certainly wasn't my intention to stir up so much drama. I wrote my
messages in somewhat of a haste and seemed to have caused a good bit of

- Christian

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