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From: hermann_at_[hidden]
Date: 2024-10-08 06:04:36

On 2024-10-08 02:36, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
> What I am proposing is something more fundamental. A deeper treatment
> of
> these obsolete libraries. How deep? Well, I don't quite know, hence the
> reason for the original post. At one extreme there is the idea to no
> longer
> include, for example Boost.Move in the release. The repository would
> not
> disappear but we wouldn't go out of our way to install it on people's
> machines. This may not be practical right now given the number of
> dependees but it still merits thought. At the other extreme we have
> just
> marking the library on the website as "obsolete." We should definitely
> do
> that.
In a previous posting

I stated:
I don't see why an old C++ library that has no security
impact and "just works" cannot live on after being marked

Now I see a reason why removal might be an option.

With 1.86 BGL minimum compiler requirement was raised to C++14.
Compilation of 1.86 BGL with C++11 just fails.
So if a user of BGL has requirement to use C++11, use of
1.85 or earlier is needed.

So similar to "library removal" raising of required C++ version
already happens, and as long as the old Boost versions like 1.85
and before keep being available on, those with need
for C++11 have options.



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