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Boost Users :

From: Marc Cromme (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-09-04 14:31:40

On Wed, 04 Sep 2002 18:09:40 +0200, Jeremy Siek wrote:

> Basically, here's what I envision could happen. You write up the
> interface for the particular tree data-structure that you are interested
> in. I'll then review that interface and suggest changes so that it can
> fit into the "big picture"... I'm not sure exactly what the "big
> picture" is yet, but that will firm up as we go along. Once we agree to
> the interface, you can implement the tree data-structure that you're
> interested in.

Deal - takes a couple of days I recon.

Some practical issues though: certainly it is a faux pas sending a
whole header on the boost user group. But where to put it - shall I
just mail it to you personally, or is there a place to upload ??

Also, isn't it getting out of scope of the boost user group by now ??


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