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From: John Fletcher (yg-boost-users_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-04-01 04:24:14

Douglas Gregor wrote:

> On Monday 31 March 2003 06:17 am, John Fletcher wrote:
> > System: Red Hat 8.0 with gcc 3.2
> > Boost 1_30_0
> >
> > I have built the boost signals library using bjam.
> > The test suite runs and passes all tests.
> >
> > How do I make the resulting libraries available to my own programs?
> > Is there an equivalent of 'make install' which will move the results to
> > somewhere from which linking is possible?
> There isn't any equivalent to "make install" in Boost.Build, yet. However, you
> might consider adding a stage target to put the binaries into a more
> accessible location, e.g., the Jamfile might contain:
> (borrowed from libs/thread/build/Jamfile)
> stage bin-stage
> : <dll>boost_signals
> : <tag><debug>"d"
> : debug release
> ;
> Doug


Thank you for this. I don't understand the answer as I don't see any code there
which will enable me to designate a location e.g. boost_1_30_0/lib where my
libraries could be. An alternative would be to provide a link from e.g.
boost_1_30_0/lib to the location where the library actually is, down a very long
directory chain. Either would be nice as then I could do

g++ -I../boost_1_30_0 something.cpp -osomething -L../boost_1_30_0/lib -lsignals

from anywhere, and use a system of my choice e.g. Cmake, to control my own parts
of the software. It is simple to include the noncompiled boost libraries in other
code, which is presumably the purpose of reusable library code.

I appreciate that bjam is there to automate the building of alternative
configurations of the libraries, and it works well for that. Surely that doesn't
mean that users have to become experts in it to access the tutorial material on a

Incidentally, the signals library is not included in the list of libraries which
have a compiled component, and there is no mention of the need for linking a
library in the otherwise excellent tutorial on the signals library.

Thanks again
John Fletcher

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