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From: James Hughes (JHughes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-01-23 09:15:56

Hello all,

I am cross compiling Boost to an embedded Linux Arm architecture. I reported
a problem a week or so ago with failures in some of the libraries which I
was unable to solve, and have a bit more information.

One of the issues appears with the serialisation library. Although I am
compiling for Arm, the serialisation libs end up as Intel X86 binaries, even
though all the other successfully compiled libs are ARM. This then leads to
problems elsewhere with libraries that appear to need the serialisation

I can only think that there is an issue with the make system to do with
serialisation area.

Anyone have any comments/thoughts?

In addition, when I do a build to a particular directory:

bjam "-sGCC_ROOT_DIRECTORY=/opt/montavista/mobilinux/devkit/arm/iwmmxt_le"
"-sGCC=iwmmxt_le-gcc" "-sGXX=iwmmxt_le-g++" stage

the stage folder is created, in which is a lib folder, in which are all the
binaries (including the defective Intel ones). However, I would also expect
some header files somewhere - should there also be a h (or header) folder
next to lib? If not where are the headers I need to include in my apps using


Info :
Boost 1.33.1.
gcc : 3.4.3 (iwmmxt_le-gcc)

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