Boost : |
From: Toon Knapen (toon.knapen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-03 06:39:39
First of all, I think the interface is _really nice_ and the
architecture seems to be very clean : nice job
but there are still a few things I would like to be more clear :
Complexity guarantees:
I would like to see more elaborate complexity guarantees : what is the
complexity of indixing in x dimensions using a list of square
bracket-indices, what about the complexity guarantees of a matrix-view.
Performance :
Along the same line ; The last few weeks there was a discussion about
the performance and e.g. Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleven suggested an indexing
operation that was much more performant compared to the usual list of
square bracket indices.
As I assume multi-array will be used in numerics, it would also be nice
to have performance comparisons between multi-array and e.g. blitz++,
MTL, plain C arrays and fortran.
Relation with MTL and ublas :
Two other matrix-related projects are going on and I think it would be
good too check what the relation is of multi-array to these before it is
I think it is good that there are sometimes overlapping libraries in
development as this provides you with invaluable feedback on
best-practices too achieve a specific goal. But the whole of libraries
that are accepted inside boost after a review should be consistent and
should have minimal overlapping while having maximal reused inbetween
in the index.html, you have specified anchors that contain a ':'. please
remove these because e.g. konquerer can not interpret them correctly. So
I suggest <a name="sec:dimensions"></a> would become <a
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk